Update 0.41

New update, including fixing some bugs and improving game modding. Currently only available for Android


CindyCarDrive041.apk 444 MB
Jan 21, 2024

Get CindyCar.Drive


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(1 edit)

Will there be Windows support???

can a mac version be released ?

Does anyone know if it is possible to reduce the graphics?

You just have to go to settings and go to graphics.


where is the update br


this game i can't get

when is update


(1 edit)

Need a update for Android14- Hyperos (because So laggy

Please update this game, add some little sprinkles when crashing and add more realistic crash

Please no scam this game

there isn't 0.41 for PC?

I was just mindlessly searching on YouTube of ways to get BeamNG drive on mobile but I randomly came across this game and it had to download link to this website attached in description I was like sure why not I give it a try so I downloaded it and I was like it's probably going to be one of these low budget car crash games cuz I didn't actually watch the video that much it just started randomly downloading games so I downloaded this one and it's it's really good BeamNG drive quality is like BB&t drive that text demo the old BeamNG drive take demo it's even better than that old tech demo and honestly I don't even know what to say for this game this is revolutionary you might just think of this game of technology

Better than the old tech demo? Definitely no The cars slide too much, has a bad optimization, and The deformation is not that realistic compared to the tech demo 

And the overall physics are bad too and the engine sounds They are as bad as beam.ng tech demo itself

Its physics are great but the sence of weight isnt all there. The cars feel very "bouncy" in the environment. The tire physics are kinda like jello and behave deflated. Other than that the physics are very close to beamngs. The graphics on the other hand could be a lot better for mobile. There are no shadows or lights at all, and on the latest version of the pc and mobile version the environment seams extremely dark. That's all for the graphics. The ui can be confusing when you first start the game but they can quickly be learned, I would love a traffic implementation to be added in the future update. Great game, I'm looking forward to the coming updates!

0.42 update add gauges  working

the mods wont download and when i download the downloading time just rises and rises so pls fix this thank

Any plans on adding tilt steer? Also the fact that you can build a track is dope. It would really help if we got an option to switch to first person while building so we can have some ideas of scale and perspective. Thanks for the great game.

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When the computer version comes pls add keyboard input to be customizable so i can bind it with a different keys

its so uncomfortable to press wasd i wanna press tfgh instead


Hell nahh💀💀 weirdo

What is weird about pressing keys and binding them? You a weirdo

from where did u get tfgh tf man og use arrows and wasd